Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A day of Infamy

First, let me give my thanks to the men and women who were serving in Hawaii the day Pearl Harbor was bombed. Let those who gave their lives protecting our shores be remembered forever. Give those who are serving in OIF and OEF our full support and stand behind all of our men and women who are over there defending our freedom. And bow our heads for those who have passed on and are still guarding our freedom from above.

This day in 1941 Pearl Harbor was bombed by Japanese and marked our entrance into WWII. It marks a day of sorrow and horrible memories. A day of remembrance of what we stand for and what type of people make up our great nation. I am proud to say that I am an American. I am proud to say that I support our military and their families, not only because I am one of those, but because it is right and they are all my Hero's. I thought I would put a couple pics up of what Pearl Harbor was then, and what it is now. In hope that all would remember, pray, and give thanks to those who have and will always serve the Nation that I love. God Bless America!!

                                  Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. A day we will all remember. A day of sorrow.
                                            A day that awoke the 'Sleeping Giant' of the American People.

                                Pearl Harbor, 2010. What stands today to remind us what a travesty that day was for America.                 A day that will be remembered for all time.

1 comment:

  1. So I know it says that this was posted December 8, 2010. But, It's on a different time zone than I am and it's still December 7, 2010 in Hawaii.
