Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sunday Blues

So, it's Sunday night. I'm sitting on my couch with Ares laying across my legs and Apollo wondering aimlessly around the downstairs. We're  watching Law and Order: SVU. It's a marathon on USA today. I love this show! It's horrible the things that are portrayed but so interesting to watch. I've cleaned my house, well, the downstairs anyways. And checked my mail. Nothing for me. I'm completely bored out of my mind and have been all weekend. I'm thinking of going to the beach tomorrow morning but we'll see. If its raining I probably wont. :( But I hope its not. I really should go out and do things but sometimes I really just don't want to. I know I shouldn't seclude myself and I know things will be different in the next few weeks when school starts and I'm out actively doing more. I'm just being a Debbie Downer right now. :-/


  1. I'll keep you busy when I get back. The baby will be old enough to wear sunscreen and be out at the beach for more than 10 minutes :-)

  2. Hahaha ok sounds great to me!!
